Microsoft fortran powerstation 4.0 windows 7
Microsoft fortran powerstation 4.0 windows 7

If this argument is zero or omitted, the menu for the split window, if any, will be used. The displayed menu will be updated as appropriate for the sub-window selected by the user. This menu will be displayed below the title bar of the top-level window to which the sub-window belongs. MENUID specifies the identifiers of the main horizontal menu for each sub-window. Under Linux the 50/50 split may not be accurate under all conditions. Alternatively omitting this argument will cause the usable areas of the sub-windows to be the same. By default the size of the first sub-window is specified, though this can be changed by specifying FixSecond in the IFLAGS argument. This is specified in terms of W interacter window units in the window being split. the size of the usable area of the window inside the frame). ISPLIT specifies the size of the client area of one of the sub-windows (i.e. This has no effect in the Linux version where sub-windows do not have title bars. NoTitle (1024) removes the title bar from the corresponding sub-window.If specified for both sub-windows the split window will not be resizable in one direction, unless ProportionalRezise (2) is specified in the IFLAGS argument. In addition if specified for the second sub-window then the first sub-window will resize when the split window is resized. FixedSizeWin (64) causes the sub-window to be fixed in size, preventing movement of the splitter.StatusBar (32) adds a status bar to the sub-window.ISUBFLAGS specifies styles which affect the individual sub-windows: This will be the first sub-window unless FixedSizeWin (64) is specified for the second sub-window in the ISUBFLAGS argument. This also causes ISPLIT to specifies the initial size of the second sub-window. By default the first sub-window remains fixed during resizing. FixSecond (4) causes the second sub-window to be fixed in size when resizing the split window.By default one of the sub-windows remains fixed in size. ProportionalResize (2) maintains the relative sizes of the sub-windows when resizing the split window.By default the window is split vertically into left and right sub-windows. SplitHoriz (1) splits the window horizontally, i.e.IFLAGS specifies options which affect both sub-windows or the split window: These handles are normal child window handles and can be passed to other window handling routines in the same way as the handle of any other child window. IHANDLE returns the handles of the sub-windows. For these array arguments the first element refers to the left or top sub-window and the second element to the right or bottom sub-window. Most arguments have similar meanings to the corresponding arguments to WindowOpen or WindowOpenChild, except that several are arrays instead of scalars. Identifiers of dialogs to combine with sub-windows (4) : Fix size of second window on resize (default=first) (1) : Split horizonally (default=split vertically) SUBROUTINE WindowSplit(IHANDLE,IFLAGS,ISUBFLAGS,ISPLIT,MENUID, A new routine has been added to split the currently selected window into two sub-windows:


Both child windows and the root menu may be split. They also offer greater flexibility in terms of user resizing than multiple displays drawn into the same window using IGrArea. Split windows both look neater and are easier for the user to manipulate than multiple InsideParent child windows arranged to fill the parent window. Windows can now be split into sub-windows, allowing different parts of the window to be used to display different information.

Microsoft fortran powerstation 4.0 windows 7